Kreatív galéria


Sunset in the mountains


Sunset in the mountains

Díszek, szobrok I
"Tire Animals" by Ryusuke Seto

Sunset in the mountains

Díszek, szobrok II
"Tire Animals" by Ryusuke Seto

Sunset in the mountains

Díszek, szobrok III
"Tire Animals" by Ryusuke Seto

Sunset in the mountains

Díszek, szobrok IV

Sunset in the mountains

Növénytartó I

Sunset in the mountains

Növénytartó II

Sunset in the mountains

Játszótéri játékok I

Sunset in the mountains

Játszótéri játékok II
"for Elhawk" by Moon Rhyth 

Sunset in the mountains

Játszótéri játékok III
"Colored tires on dog's playground, Budapest" by qubodup

Sunset in the mountains

Kerti teherhordó fal
Tire Wall" by Dominic's pics


Sunset in the mountains

Fűszer, magvak és édességek tárolása

Sunset in the mountains

Házi készítésű befőttek, savanyúság tárolása

Sunset in the mountains

Műanyag pohár helyett üdítő tárolására

Sunset in the mountains

Lámpatestként vagy mécsesként I
"Lights" by oatsy40

Sunset in the mountains

Lámpatestként vagy mécsesként II
"Lights" by oatsy40

Tejeszacskók és nejlonok

Sunset in the mountains

"Plastic Bag Carpet" by Diy Gifts Studio

Sunset in the mountains

Táskák I
"Recycled Overnight Bag--$40" by Fair Trade Designs

Sunset in the mountains

Táskák II
"Donna's woven plastic bags" by charclam

Sunset in the mountains

Táskák III
"Red striped bag" by Natália Tricô

Sunset in the mountains

Ruha I
"Turning Walmart plastic bags into an evening gown" by Walmart Corporate

Sunset in the mountains

Ruha II
"How to look good wearing a plastic bag" by University of Salford

Sunset in the mountains

PET palackok
"@yvinschka es blüeht tatsächlich wieder" by neXtplanaut


Sunset in the mountains

"Harley Sleeps" by oskay

Sunset in the mountains

Bútorok I
"_MG_0237" by Denis Vahrushev

Sunset in the mountains

Bútorok II
"£450 cardboard chair...woo" by stoic

Sunset in the mountains

Bútorok III
"_MG_0239" by Denis Vahrushev

Sunset in the mountains

Makettek és modellek I
"frabjous - 02" by oskay

Sunset in the mountains

Makettek és modellek II
"Metcalfe coaching inn" by Dave_S

Sunset in the mountains

Makettek és modellek III